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Resources Professionals association


Reinventing a brand to welcome the future of work.

The Problem to Solve

The Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) is one of the largest professional associations in Ontario, with over 24,000 members from the human resources community. They train, certify, regulate, connect, and advocate for HR professionals in Ontario, yet their brand had begun to feel tired and less relevant amongst members and HR students. In addition, HRPA certifications were not as well-recognized nor appreciated in the business community compared to a designation like the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA).

Our Solution

As a global health pandemic wreaked havoc on workplaces everywhere, there was no better time to shine a spotlight on the critical role of HR in helping business prosper, while demonstrating that HRPA members are the best equipped to lead workplaces into the future. A new brand strategy set the foundation for a bold brand identity transformation, a redesigned website experience, and a provocative creative platform intended to change outdated perceptions of the HR role.

The Results

Our launch campaign with the working public delivered 120 million total impressions that succeeded in increasing the public’s confidence in the regulation of the HR profession by 14%. Among HRPA members, there was a 7% increase in overall appreciation of the value of professional regulation.

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Better HR makes Business better.

Brand Vision

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