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A first for female empowerment.

The Problem to Solve

They say “sex sells”, except, it would seem, when focusing on female sexuality. For years, makers of sex toys for women have battled with media for the opportunity to advertise their products. Bans from the major out-of-home companies and social media platforms left the industry relegated to pornographic publications and other niche environments, regardless of how healthy or sex-positive the message. WOW Tech, a world leader in the design, manufacturing, and marketing of premium intimate pleasure products found themselves increasingly challenged to promote any of their global brands.

Our Solution

With The Garden’s help and the willingness of a progressive media company, we set out to define female sexual empowerment in four simple yet powerful words. This first-of-its-kind billboard for the WOMANIZER™ Liberty garnered international attention, covered by major news outlets around the world. With such a positive reception, we followed up this board with a fresh execution tailored to the new realities of a pandemic lockdown.

The Results

And, the cherry on this sundae? AdWeek selected ‘Scream Your Own Name’ as one of their top 25 ads of 2019 alongside big-budget campaigns from Nike, Coca-Cola, Apple and McDonald’s.

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